Saturday, 25 June 2011

Promising plans and preparations!...

Where has the last week gone? In fact the whole of June seems to have skittered by in a midsummer muddle!
I have had a week of  brain buzzing....lots of procrastinating plans....lots of sketchbook scribbles and lots of potential projects....
my brain feels like it resembles our over bursting blooming lavender..which (in the sun) is covered in bees!!

I'm trying to break things down into managable chunks ( that can be done with one eye on Wimbledon and packed away quickly at school home time!)
I did receive an exciting and colourful mainly shetland wool order from Wheeldale Woolcrafts but forgot to photograph it before I squirrelled it away into my woolly hamper.
I have made another piece of flat felt...but the grey skies and very damp garden have prevented picture taking!
So instead I'll show you the wonderfully smooth soft and springy alpaca top that my creative friend and neighbour brought back from The Aplaca Park on her recent holiday in Cornwall...
The rich tones are lovely and there's lots of stripeyness going on......

I already have plans for it!!
So I'd beter get on and initiate some of these promised projects!!


Starfish Studio said...

Alpaca wool is sooooo gorgeously soft. Look forward to seeing wonderful creation(s) you come up with!!
Kate x

Unknown said...

I'm in Cornwall so why don't I know about this alpaca park?! Mmmm, must investigate...
Becky x

Ali said...

.....probably because its in Devon geography skills are not as good as they should be!! Apparently their tea shop is a must!!
Yes Kate....I keep having a feel and a sooooft squidge!!
Ali x

ThatFuzzyFeeling said...

Oh that looks so soft - I bet it'll be a joy to work with! Liz x

Linnhe Mara said...

That wool reminds me of smooth caramel ice cream. Looks almost good enough to eat!

Tracey Todhunter said...

Ooh that does look soft, a few little Woolfest goodies in the post to you - look forward to seeing what you make with them :-)
Tracey x

Amy, the Greedy Crocodile said...

Ooh that's lovely wool! Looks like my shetland wool called Whiss (such brilliant names!), but I bet it's MUCH softer! Yummy :-)

Unknown said...

That will be why then - different county! It does look beautifully soft and I'm sure will be a dream to work with. Looking forward to seeing your creations.
Becky x