Friday, 3 June 2011

Birthday Cup Cake!

 As I was creating my cup cake I knew who would be receiving it...

it was my dad's birthday this week so he had two cakes - this famous fluffy one

...and this squidgy yummy one.....

a joint creation for dad/grandad.

The photo does not really show how 3 dimensional it was ..nor how smoothly the delicious icing was applied by Random Wooliness Junior!

Its amazing how it only really looked like Gromit when he perfectly placed the chocolate teacake nose!


Unknown said...

I love the texture you get in your cupcake icing.
What a clever cake! Did you plan it to look like Gromit or did it just turn out that way?
Becky x

Starfish Studio said...

I love them both! My dad's a big W&G fan so I may have to pinch your idea at some point.

Can I just take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you for your regular, cheery comments on my Photo-a-Day blog. It doesn't have many official 'followers' but I know it's read by quite a few people. Your comments really do give me a big boost and are very much appreciated :0)
Kate x

Ali said...

Thanks Becky and Kate we really enjoyed making the edible cake! Wallace and Gromit appeal must be a dad characteristic!... as dad's a fan it had to be a Gromit cake...we had planned it - the nose section is made from two layers of cake and the eyes only one but it only really became Gromit-like with that nose - the final piece of the creation!

ThatFuzzyFeeling said...

That cake is amazingly like Gromit - very clever! You've got the space between the eyes just right, and of course that nose is perfect. I bet it was fun to make, too.
I hope your Dad enjoyed admiring and eating it.
Liz :)

Anonymous said...

That's one lucky Dad, good job he appreciates you! Give him my best birthday wishes.
Tracey x