Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Something Peaceful

Following events over the last few days I felt the need for something peaceful.....

Hope you are all keeping safe...



Tracey Todhunter said...

Thanks Ali.
Hope all is well.

Melody said...

Sending wishes that "calm" is restored soon... a lovely symbol of hope you have painted. :)

Rainy Day Crafter said...

Hope that all is ok with you!

ThatFuzzyFeeling said...

Ali, a lovely image of hope and peace...what terrible times we're facing in this country at the moment. A very complex situation...Liz x

Starfish Studio said...

Been thinking about you loads. Hope all is peaceful in your area.
Kate xx

Ali said...

Thankfully we have not been directly affected in our part of Brum. Hoping the recent peace and calm will prevail and we can work together to learn from the events of the last few days.
Many thanks for all your supportive comments
Ali x