Wednesday, 30 November 2011


As the season to be jolly fast approaches I have been beavering away making exciting festive felt - hence the silent nights on the blog front! 
There are lots of things still to be finished and as many of my makes are presents I can only reveal small snippets!

The eagle eyed will be able to spot the very useful rainbow pins from Becky's givewaway.
(I have also been putting the rainbow embroidery cotton to very good use, although not for stitching!)

 Can you guess what these shetland merino mixed spheres will transform into?

I love the thickness of these wet felted sheets, which were designed to be double sided
It took me a while to build up the courage to slice them but what an unexpected treat when I did! 
I'd like to say it was part of the design to have a striped side.....but it was just a happy accident which I will be repeating!!
You may just be able to spot the angelina fibres in the top ones and the sari silk in the ones below.

There has been lots of experimenting with how to hang some of my felt pictures, this is the newest idea...glad its on the back as my sewing isn't as neat as I'd like it to be!

Over the last few weeks I have had great pleasure and fun making and wrapping items for my swap partner Jay as part of the snail mail holiday swap.
My parcel is ready for the post....

I'm also really excited to say that when all the festive creativity is over I will have something to start the crafty New Year...a commission!! I'll be sharing lots of ideas with you about this piece as I know it will involve some new skills that I am keen to try!

In the meantime - Happy Advent to you all hope you enjoy the preparations for Christmas! x


Melody said...

Ah yes... the countdown to the ho ho Holiday is offically on ~ good to see you are busy at work and making progress! Perhaps we can all meet back in blog land with a sigh of relief come January when our Christmas crafts have been safely delivered!
ha ha :)))))

Tracey said...

I can't wait to see what's in your swap parcel. Mine has traveled off to . Your double sided felt experiment looks fascinating, I love the way the colours will combine in unexpected ways.

Starfish Studio said...

Oooh, a commission!! Congratulations and how exciting!!

Hanging felt pictures can be a tricky business. I've found a new product which I'm trying out that provides another way to show them off without having to hang them - you'll have to read my next almost-written bloggy post to see what I mean!

Kate x

ThatFuzzyFeeling said...

Ali, I love all these glimpses into your creative projects: I have made a secret seasonal guess as to what the spheres will turn into: will stay tuned to see if I'm right! And a commission - now that's really exciting news!!
Liz x